[Tip] Solaris Recommended Patch
Solaris Recommended Patch
패치 클러스터 설치 - 솔라리스 OS에 맞는 패치들의 꾸러미. 권장 패치, 보안 패치 등으로 구성
기본적으로 클러스터 설치 프로시저는 패치 할 기본 오브젝트를 저장하고, 패치 설치 전에 클러스터 설치스크립트는 먼저 기본 패키지를 저장한 /var/sadm/pkg 디렉토리 공간이 충분한지 확인 후 부족하면 설치 중단.
- nosave 옵션 사용하면 저장 기능 무시. 단 원복 불가.
- 패치 클러스터로 설치한 개별 패치는 patchrm 으로 제거.
- 설치 된 파일 목록은 /var/sadm/patch에 저장
1. 압축 풀기 및 패치 설치
E450:/>uname -a
SunOS E450 5.9 Generic_118558-34 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-4
9_Recommended 9_Recommended.zip
E450:/user1/patch>unzip 9_Recommended.zip
Patch cluster install script for Solaris 9 SPARC Recommended Patch Cluster
With or without using the save option, the patch installation process
will still require some amount of disk space for installation and
administrative tasks in the /, /usr, /var, or /opt partitions where
patches are typically installed. The exact amount of space will
depend on the machine's architecture, software packages already
installed, and the difference in the patched objects size. To be
safe, it is not recommended that a patch cluster be installed on a
system with less than 4 MBytes of available space in each of these
partitions. Running out of disk space during installation may result
in only partially loaded patches. Check and be sure adequate disk space
is available before continuing.
Are you ready to continue with install? [y/n]: y
Determining if sufficient save space exists...
Sufficient save space exists, continuing...
Installing patches located in /user1/patch/9_Recommended
Using patch_order file for patch installation sequence
Installing 114586-03...
Installing 116340-07...
Installing 121992-01...
Installation of 121992-01 failed. Return code 2. << 이미 패치가 설치 된 경우
Installing 117067-05...
Installing 112964-17...
Installing 113713-27...
Installing 112951-14...
Installing 112233-12...
Installation of 112233-12 failed. Return code 8. << 패치가 필요한 응용 프로그램이 없는 경우.
Installing 114131-03...
Installation of 114131-03 failed. Return code 2.
The following patches were not able to be installed:
...중략 ...
For more installation messages refer to the installation logfile:
Use '/usr/bin/showrev -p' to verify installed patch-ids.
Refer to individual patch README files for more patch detail.
Rebooting the system is usually necessary after installation.
< Install/Patch Program Exit Code (Solaris 10) >
0 No error
1 Usage error
2 Attempt to apply a patch that's already been applied
3 Effective UID is not root
4 Attempt to save original files failed
5 pkgadd failed
6 Patch is obsoleted
7 Invalid package directory
8 Attempting to patch a package that is not installed
9 Cannot access /usr/sbin/pkgadd (client problem)
10 Package validation errors
11 Error adding patch to root template
12 Patch script terminated due to signal
13 Symbolic link included in patch
15 The prepatch script had a return code other than 0.
16 The postpatch script had a return code other than 0.
17 Mismatch of the -d option between a previous patch install and the current one.
18 Not enough space in the file systems that are targets of the patch.
19 $SOFTINFO/INST_RELEASE file not found
20 A direct instance patch was required but not found
21 The required patches have not been installed on the manager
22 A progressive instance patch was required but not found
23 A restricted patch is already applied to the package
24 An incompatible patch is applied
25 A required patch is not applied
26 The user specified backout data can't be found
27 The relative directory supplied can't be found
28 A pkginfo file is corrupt or missing
29 Bad patch ID format
30 Dryrun failure(s)
31 Path given for -C option is invalid
32 Must be running Solaris 2.6 or greater
33 Bad formatted patch file or patch file not found
34 Incorrect patch spool directory
35 Later revision already installed
36 Cannot create safe temporary directory
37 Illegal backout directory specified
38 A prepatch, prePatch or a postpatch script could not be executed
39 A compressed patch was unable to be decompressed
40 Error downloading a patch
41 Error verifying signed patch
42 Error unable to retrieve patch information from SQL DB
43 Error unable to update the SQL DB
44 Lock file not available
45 Unable to copy patch data to partial spool directory
2. 패치 설치 로그 확인
E450:/var/sadm/install_data>ls -lrt
total 6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Nov 18 16:44 install_log -> ../system/logs/install_log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 1044 Apr 7 23:42 Solaris_9_SPARC_Recommended_Patch_Cluster_log
E450:/var/sadm/install_data> showrev -p << 패치 설치 확인
3. 패치 관리
중복패치나 종종 다른 패치와의 의존성 여부 때문에 솔라리스에 어떠한 패치들이 깔려있는지 알 필요가 있다.
showrev는 해당 시스템의 소프트웨어 정보를 보여주는 명령어이다.
# showrev [옵션]
-a : 가능한 모든 정보를 보여준다.
-p : 패치에 관한 정보만 보여준다.
-c (명령어) : 해당 명령어에 대한 정보만 보여준다
# showrev –p | grep 패치번호로 개별적으로 확인 가능
1) 개별 패치 설치
# patchadd 패치번호
- 패치 후 확인은 # shwrev -p 로 할 수 있다.
2) 개별 패치 제거
# patchrm 패치번호
[출처] 패치 설치, 삭제하기|작성자 하얀종이
[출처] Solaris - Recommended Patch |작성자 라클